Leaving high school is when people tell you to pick which career path you want to go down for the rest of your life. But that’s not true. You can always change your path if you need to. Don’t limit yourself based on what other people expect from you. If you have something you want to do, do it. There are many paths you can go down, and you can change them if you want or need to. Don’t make where you come from or the people around you limit what you want. Even if your path changes completely, that’s okay do try to do what makes you happy.

I went into college thinking I was going to be a psychology major, and now I am an art major pursuing a degree in design. I always loved art but was afraid of the starving artist stereotype, but after some research into the different fields, I figured that there are multiple careers in art I can pursue. I heard mixed reviews about my choice, some people fully supported me, and others said they wished I had chosen something else. I was determined, even though I started a little late, but I was going to put all of my efforts into making this happen. Even now, this path in design that I have chosen is bound to change, and that is okay. Learn to be flexible in your life, it will help as trying to figure out where your going. You got this!