Everything you do in life begins with you. In order for you to achieve anything great, you need to be true to yourself. If you begin a path in your life, such as a career or a degree, and find that this path is not genuine, you may start to question your purpose for pursuing it. If you don’t have a clear goal in mind, it can be very easy to lose sight of what lies ahead. 

You must stay true to yourself in order to respect yourself. Through self-respect, you will find long term success and passion for the things you do. It’s hard to imagine a future pursuing something that you don’t believe in.  When you act in alignment with your fundamental nature and are true to your true self, you will have self-respect. Respecting yourself is a necessary foundation to earning the respect of others.

Being true to yourself extends to more than just your career. This idea can be applied to all aspects of your life, such as to your relationships with friends and family and loved ones. When you value yourself, your aspirations and individualism, others will find value in their relationships with you. Additionally, learning how to find value in yourself allows you to better understand the value of others. Finding your own self-worth is the key to earning approval from others, and building long-lasting bonds with the people in your life.

Being true to yourself requires perseverance and courage. Introspection, sincerity, open-mindedness, and fairness are required. It’s difficult to be the person you want to be rather than the person you believe others want you to be. However, what you can gain–the ability for you to lead your own life, to live for yourself and to truly be free–is priceless.