No Doubt, Inc. developed out of the need for a purpose. I was born to a middle-class family who wanted more for their children. They stressed the role of education which led me to this opportunity.

I was often considered the “good” child, who exceeded expectations. I grew up doing everything that was asked of me. I got my degree and a job as a NYC teacher. Despite all the “good”, there was still something very important missing and I struggled to find it. But I didn’t want to disappoint the people around me.
In 1999 in hopes of making a change and finding what I have been looking for, I left the board of education and became certified in the business world. For a short period, I ended up working in the record industry at Universal records. While this was a new invigorating start, after three years, I found myself at the same crossroads again, a feeling of unfulfilledness. I was at a standstill when a colleague suggested I do  substitute teaching for some income. This, was where I found what was missing.
After teaching for some time, I got to know the students more. I formed connections that I will never forget. Becasue I was working with students who came from a similar background from which I came from, I was able to relate to their struggles and tried to motivate them. It was so encouraging to see the kids that used to wander the halls come to me and tell me more about what they wanted to do in life. I realized that it only takes one person to motivate students, to make them belive in themselves. 
I told my students, I was creating an organization to help them get where they wanted to be. I wanted to make sure they graduated and pursued their dreams. They were important, and I knew it! There was “No Doubt” in their future. And so I started No Doubt, a non profit orginization dedicated to helping students find their purpose.